Saturday, August 27, 2011


We're really sorry about lack of updates in the past week or so. Moving to Albany has kept one half of the duo quite busy and we cannot blog alone. We have some really cool things coming up.  We do have to say we are quite disappointed in our fans, no comments in over two months. What is up with that?
Even though we are awesome to the extreme, fan comments help us make the blog even cooler, so where are you guys, the hurricane hasn't hit yet....I mean it has, but not in July. :)

Find more artists like Danny Maloney at Myspace Music

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 3 of Monotreme there are only we have the rest of the week off.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Week of Monotremata

Monotremata are egg laying mammals...the week will start tomorrow!!!!